Shamanic Medicine Circle. Connection.
7:00 PM19:00

Shamanic Medicine Circle. Connection.


How can we capture the profound understanding of what it means to feel connected, both to oneself and to others. Imagine being in a state of flow, where life seems effortless and intuitive, one where we feel deeply attuned to one's inner self. A connection that allows for clear, confident decisions without the interference of doubt or regret. A feeling of internal harmony, where our interactions with others naturally improve, leading to more meaningful and fulfilling relationships. If we can master this connection, not only can we as individuals evolve, but we can also contribute to the evolution of the broader community. If you are interested in delving within, in exploration ways to help make this harmonious state a reality for oneself and by extension the collective. Please join Brad and I as we take you in a journey to embrace the possibilities of connection.

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Shamanic Drumming Circle
7:00 PM19:00

Shamanic Drumming Circle

Would you like to discover how the medicine wheel is used in a sacred way to connect to the energies of the Universe?

You are invited to join Melanie, Shamanic Healer and Drummer in a sacred circle to sing and drum for peace and harmony in our world!

We are all connected by the gifts Mother Earth provides us and so we sing to the protector Spirits of Earth, Air, Water and Fire to guide and assist us as we drum together.

The ceremony includes: Smudging, the talking stick, Drumming and a Shamanic Journey.

Communal Drumming Energy has long been known to be therapeutic by Spiritual Healers across the globe. Today it is being embraced by Psychologist as a valued healing tool in group therapy. (drums are provided for circle)

Shamanic Drumming Circle
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Shamanic Drum Making Workshop
9:30 AM09:30

Shamanic Drum Making Workshop

  • 88 linden street sutherland NSW 2232 australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us in this sacred Shamanic Drum Making Workshop.

Melanie has been helping people make their own drums for at least a decade. Making a frame drum is a deep and powerful process as you give birth to a shamanic healing tool for personal transformation. The drum is a sacred tool, an instrument of music, and an intimate partner in our soul journey.

We meditate to connect to the spirit of the tree and the deer, giving thanks for their offerings, a sacred ceremony of dreams, visions and healing. The ceremony finishes with a dedication of the drums to the universe!

The drum becomes a powerful sound medicine for transformation and healing , the drum always knows its owners hands and together magic happens!

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Dancing in the Shadows!
7:00 PM19:00

Dancing in the Shadows!

Dance is an art that imprints on the soul!

Do you love to dance but hate the nightclub scene? Do you love dancing barefoot? Do you love creative self expression? Then this might just be the perfect class for you!

We are not dancing to perform, we are not dancing for the pleasure of others, but we are dancing for ourselves, so our soul can speak freely through our movements!

Dancing in the dark, well at least in a dimly lit room, you get to be whomever you want and create and express through movement. Music is carefully choreographed to allow you to shift energy from the base of the body to the crown! Insights and wisdom is shared to heighten the experience.

It is time to let go of self limiting beliefs, old negative patterns and move into a space of freedom and joy. Its time to live close to the bone, to live from the core, where there is NOTHING lacking! Through dance, lets lift the veil, drop the illusions and learn to dance through this life with more grace and ease! And if nothing else, let us have a great deal of fun, in a safe and clean space.

Weekly dance classes for those who dare!

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Magic in Motion!
7:00 PM19:00

Magic in Motion!

Tis the season to be jolly! But often it is not, instead it is the season of overwhelmed of exhaustion, the season of anything but joy, a blip in time that we try to just”: get through” and only when its over can we breathe again! It doesn’t have to be this way, it was never meant to be this way, but somewhere along the way we all got caught up in the world of expectations! Re claim yourself this Christmas, honestly you can have your cake and eat it too(this i have also found to be such a strange comment as of course you want to eat it!) but that is the kind of way we choose to speak and negotiate with ourselves, crazy I know! That way of thinking is all crumbling though as we start to reclaim what is rightly ours, as we start to step out of our own ways, to drop the negative and doubting beliefs and step boldly into a life of grace and ease, where joy is abundant as it rightfully should be! Join me in this magical 2 hour workshop and take back what is rightfully yours!!!

Wisdom come with Winter-Yin yoga and sound healing
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Wisdom come with Winter-Yin yoga and sound healing
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Half Day Mini Retreat
1:00 PM13:00

Half Day Mini Retreat

Yoga is an art as well as a science. It is a science, because it offers practical methods for controlling body and mind, thereby making deep meditation possible. And it is an art, for unless it is practiced intuitively and sensitively it will yield only superficial results.

— Paramhansa Yogananda

Join me at Mindful Living Space Woronora for a half day mini retreat. Using Yoga, meditation, ancient healing techniques, and nature, we will go on a journey to gain insight and wisdom; a journey of healing in a sacred space, we will slow ourselves and steady our rhythm until it is in harmony with our truest self, we will pause, breathe and listen, listen to what our soul so lovingly wants us to hear!

We will practice a deep intuitive Yoga series of poses, with meditation, sound and relaxation. we will take a short break to reflect and drinks and healthy snacks will be provided. We will follow this with a walk into the very sacred aboriginal bush tracks of Woronora. When we have reached our location we will join in circle to ground, renew and honour Mother earth and our deep connection to her.

If this speaks to you then please join me for this mini retreat Saturday April 10. Places are limited. Beverages and homeade vegan snacks will be offered. $80pp

Half Day Mini Retreat-July 17.
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Kid's Holiday Workshop- Make a Native American Talking Stick.
10:30 AM10:30

Kid's Holiday Workshop- Make a Native American Talking Stick.

Let your Voice be Heard! Mindful Living Space Woronora will be hosting this beautiful workshop to help empower and support our children whilst being creative and having fun!

If you have a child who struggles to communicate and feels that they are never really heard, this could be the perfect tool to help empower them and build their self confidence. “As a child who is heard, is a child who feels free”!

Everyone has a sacred point of view. When you one holds the talking stick everyone has to listen closely to what they are saying without interrupting, once they have finished the talking stick gets past to the next person for them to have their say. It can a wonderful tool for families to honour and respect each other.

All materials will be provided including light snacks.

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FULL MOON MAGIC-deep sound bathing for peace and clarity
4:00 PM16:00

FULL MOON MAGIC-deep sound bathing for peace and clarity

Join Angela (mindful living space) and Kylie (Coi Crystals) and Angela as they take you on a journey to self! serenade you with the sound of the shamanic drum, song and singing bowls. Angela will also begin the workshop with a short series of Yin poses to open up the body, settle the mind and bring one fully into the present. We will then allow the drum and song to reawaken dormant parts of you bringing you even more into the conscious world. Kylie will finish the workshop with the most beautiful sound bowl session.

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Shamanic Frequency Yoga
4:00 PM16:00

Shamanic Frequency Yoga

New to Mindful Living Space, this collaborative workshop uses ancient healing techniques, vibration, energy, sound, frequency tuning, combined with chanting, breath work and intuitive Yoga flow.

It is a powerful medicine to shift and remove unwanted energies and align one with their higher self.

Numbers are limited to 6. $65

Shamanic Frequency Yoga
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Holiday Yoga for Dancers-Strength, Stretch, Balance and Connect.
to Apr 20

Holiday Yoga for Dancers-Strength, Stretch, Balance and Connect.

Especially put together for Dancers. These 3 workshops will help improve ones flexibility and strength and also offer techniques to help dancers connect better when performing!

A combination of Strength and Balance poses, deep stretches and breathing techniques which enhance confidence and how we connect. This workshop will complement greatly ones current dance practices.

I have spent nearly 20 years practicing and teaching Yoga and my body is stronger and more flexible than it has ever been, I also spent 13 years as a dancer and regularly competed. My biggest strength was my ability to connect with an audience and share the gift of dance! I am looking forward to sharing techniques to give dancers the freedom to worry less and connect more, plus help them develop more strength and flexibility in a healthy and safe way!

Three 2 hour classes running in the School Holidays. $75 pp-Best suite for ages 10-17

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Online 21 day ritual.
to Mar 4

Online 21 day ritual.

Studies show that it takes just 21 days to form a habit. Join me every morning for 21 days, 108 chants, breath of fire and embodied flow. We will remove all worldly thoughts and distractions and infuse new vigor into the body and strength, clearing the way for you to choose do be whatever you wish to be. We will tap into the overflowing well of love that is just bursting to be released! Love will set you free!

6am - 6:45am

Online 21 day ritual.
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Kids Yoga -7 week course
to Mar 31

Kids Yoga -7 week course

Kids weekly Yoga classes! This course will provide kids with a safe and healthy environment to play, discover and learn more about themselves, physically, emotionally and mentally.

“My structure is to have very little structure” each week will be different depending oh the energy in the room. We will begin each class with a little fun exercise that brings them back into their hearts and then class will just naturally take place from here!

“kids are such naturals when it comes to embracing love which for me is what Yoga is all about! .Yoga teaches us to love ourselves more on every level! It is this simple change that can have such a massive impact. They soon start to see that living from the heart makes everything flow with more grace and ease. They understand the simplicity of so beautifully”!

7 weeks $120

Kids Yoga -7 week course
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Kids Yoga -7 week course
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Kids Yoga -7 week course
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Weekly Senior Yoga
10:30 PM22:30

Weekly Senior Yoga

The benefits of yoga for seniors are much the same as those for the general population: increased muscle tone, balance (which is particularly important), strength, and improved mood. Through pranayama (breathing exercises), lung capacity is increased. You can expect your posture to improve and you may sleep better.

If mobility is compromised then the class can be practiced in a chair.

This is an 8 week course running every Tuesday morning 1030:am

Weekly Senior Yoga Classes
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Weekly Senior Yoga Classes
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Weekly Senior Yoga Classes
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Teen Yoga - 7 week course
to Mar 22

Teen Yoga - 7 week course

It comes as no surprise that Children today are experiencing more anxiety. Yoga is a subtle way to get children to consider their bodies, how they work, the body/mind connection and how with small changes they can start to reduce anxiety, improve confidence, rest more and ultimately just feel happier within themselves and with those around them in a fun and safe environment.

“Having worked as an educator for 3 years and having two girls of my own, I am very aware of the constant battles facing our children. If I can help, in some small way, give these beautiful souls, less to worry about and more to love, then the next generation can create much needed change. What’s not to love!” Angela Murphy-Teacher

Tween/teen Yoga - 7 week course

It comes as no surprise that Children today are experiencing more anxiety. Yoga is a subtle way to get children to consider their bodies, how they work, the body/mind connection and how with small changes they can start to reduce anxiety, improve confidence, rest more and ultimately just feel happier within themselves and with those around them in a fun and safe environment.

“Having worked as an educator for 3 years and having two girls of my own, I am very aware of the constant battles facing our children. If I can help, in some small way, give these beautiful souls, less to worry about and more to love, then the next generation can create much needed change. What’s not to love!” Angela Murphy-Teacher

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Yoga for dancers
to Jan 28

Yoga for dancers

Created especially for dancers. These classes will focus on flexibility, balance and strength! Using Yin principles, long held deep stretches for flexibility and Hatha for strength and balance, students will notice results quickly whilst enjoying themselves in a fun and safe environment with Luke minded students!

Days and Times:

Tuesday Jan 19- 10-11:30

Thursday Jan 21-10-11:30

Tuesday Jan 26-10-11:30

Wednesday Jan 27 -11:30-1pm

Cost $120. Must be paid prior

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21 Day Yoga and Meditation for Peace, Clarity, Strength and Purpose.
to May 17

21 Day Yoga and Meditation for Peace, Clarity, Strength and Purpose.

It takes 21 days to form a habit or to change one! Strong body = strong mind, strong mind = strong body, lets build the bridge between the two and make it unshakeable!

As the world is busy reshaping itself we have all been forced into a new kind of reality!
It’s challenging for us all and it’s likely old outdated habits have resurfaced or completely new negative ones have arisen. It can become very tensed, very fast, try to live in these uncharted waters, where fear can easily finds it way to the surface. We then start to project our fears onto those around us, which heightens an already difficult time, it’s normal but it does not have to be!

Please join me for this wonderful practice, 21 days of Yoga and Meditation! Just 1 hour and 15mins of your day to ground, energise, find clarity, strength, determination, peace, joy love and bliss, make a choice to be the best version of you you can be!

f your coasting through these changes still sign up your body will thank you for it! By the end of the 21 days you will notice a big difference in your bodies abilities, you will feel stronger, longer, more energise and you are likely to notice an amazing improvement in your sleep, whats not to love!
We will spend the first two days doing a combo of Flow and Hatha, third day Yin, and we will continue for 21 days. Lots of breath work will also be included!
It’s just a blip in time, you can do it, you should do it!

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Does your Child have a Tibetan bowl but not quite sure how to use it?
10:30 PM22:30

Does your Child have a Tibetan bowl but not quite sure how to use it?

Does your Child have a Tibetan bowl but not quite sure how to use it? Want to learn some extra tips on how to use your bowls? Blazenka from Healing Inside Out Hypnotherapy and Kinesiology is running a fun session for age groups between 8 and 15 years of age. Ohh and the mums can hang around too. What you will learn and experience: - learn to use a sound bowl (bring your own or you practice on mine) - Fun exercise to see where you feel the sounds, how they connect to different parts of your body - See the power of sound and vibration and how it affects us - A 20 minute Sound Bath, where you’ll relax and get taken away in an array of different sounds (using crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, gongs, drums, rainsticks, koshi chimes and more - then we will allow the creative side of us to draw. Helping us to expand our creative juices and awakening our creative side

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Weekly Senior Yoga Class
to Apr 7

Weekly Senior Yoga Class

The benefits of yoga for seniors are much the same as those for the general population: increased muscle tone, balance (which is particularly important), strength, and improved mood. Through pranayama (breathing exercises), lung capacity is increased. You can expect your posture to improve and you may sleep better.

If mobility is compromised then the class can be practiced in a chair.

This is a six week course running every Tuesday morning 10am.

Weekly Senior Yoga Classes
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Come on a journey and remember what you came here for!
7:00 PM19:00

Come on a journey and remember what you came here for!

Do you feel like you are merely existing? Do you have dreams of living a better life?

Come with us on a journey of Self Discovery! Allow Melanie and I to guide you on a journey to the centre of the Universe! We will begin with some blissful Yin to relax Body and Mind and let go of outdated beliefs and conditioning.

Mel will then begin on the drums opening up  a path of communication between the spiritual and earthly realms, opening the inner, spiritual ear and eye, connecting you to the symphony of the universe, it is here in this space of deep awareness that all is available to you!

No longer can you just merely exist, now is the time to take a leap of faith and remember what it is you came here for! As the World changes so rapidly around us it is imperative for our own evolution that we continue to question and rediscover ourselves. You were not created to be in fear, anxious and stressed. On the contrary, you were created to be victorious!

If this calls to you, them I am implore to answer, now is all you have so now is the time to act.

Blessings to you.

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Pilates is coming to Mindful Living Space. 6 week course starting Feb 20.
to Apr 9

Pilates is coming to Mindful Living Space. 6 week course starting Feb 20.

Karen Gock is joining the team at Mindful Living Space! Karen is an amazing Pilates teacher and she has been teaching since 2008 as a Pilates Instructor, designing and conducting Pilates Mat classes

Karen has extensive knowledge of Anatomy and knows exactly how to guide a student in a safe way to help them achieve maximum results!

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Come on a journey and remember what you came here for!
7:00 PM19:00

Come on a journey and remember what you came here for!

Now is the time to get something concrete! See it, feel it, manifest it!

We will take you on a journey of manifestation! We will begin with relaxing mind and the body through Yin Yoga, slowing the heart beat right down. Bring in the drums to open up between the spiritual and the early realms, connecting you to the symphony of the universe. In this space you will be guide to listen and continue on a journey that will inspire and assist you in creating whatever it is your heart desires. (Journals will be provided so you can write your experiences down).

Do you feel like you are merely existing? Do you have dreams of living a better life?

No longer can you just merely exist, now is the time to take a leap of faith and remember what it is you came here for! As the World changes so rapidly around us it is imperative for our own evolution that we continue to question and rediscover ourselves. You were not created to be constantly in motion, anxious and stressed. On the contrary, you were created to be victorious!

If this calls to you, them I am implore to answer, now is all you have so now is the time to act.

Blessings to you.

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Ever wanted to try learn Ukulele? Need a refresher class?
11:30 AM11:30

Ever wanted to try learn Ukulele? Need a refresher class?

Ever wanted to try learn Ukulele? This is the class for you!

Have you ever wanted to try and learn the Ukulele? Are you out of practice and need a refresher course? Jonathan is back with a two hour workshop these holidays to help you understand the basics so you can either go it alone and learn through home practice or continue your practice with our weekly Ukulele classes.

Jonathan is an experienced music tutor with over 13 years of experience teaching ukulele and guitar in the shire. In that time he taken many ensembles from beginners to the point they can perform confidently in front of an audience, He has a passion for sharing his knowledge and takes great pleasure is seeing his students develop and find their own identity as musicians and artists. He has also written music professionally for various television and film projects.


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Christmas fun for kids!
9:00 AM09:00

Christmas fun for kids!

Struggling to find time to shop and organise yourself this Christmas?!Need a few hours without the kids?!

Mindful Living Space will be running two Christmas Fun Workshops for kids. Featuring Christmas Carols, Games, Craft and Treat making, your children will have a fun filled few hours leaving you some much needed time to get yourself ready for Christmas!

Suitable for ages 6-12ys.

Spaces are limited to 9 children. Water and Snacks will be provided.

If your child has any allergies please be sure to let us know.

Christmas fun for kids!
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A Delicious Evening of Self Care!
7:00 PM19:00

A Delicious Evening of Self Care!

We don’t always give ourselves much consideration at this time of year, the season of giving. Families dynamics, rushing around and wrapping up work can leave us feeling stressed and tired.

To have two hours off to learn about the foundations of self-care and to experience blissful relaxation through the 5 senses.

Join us at the Mindful Living Space in Woronora on 20 December from 7pm and let us take you on a blissful journey of meditation, restorative yoga, energy healing, essential oils, sound healing and light refreshments.... so you can feel centred and ready for the festive season! 🌟

Book via Eventbrite:

ianna Owers - The Awakened Path · Sydney

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Christmas fun for kids!
9:00 AM09:00

Christmas fun for kids!

Struggling to find time to shop and organise yourself this Christmas?!Need a few hours without the kids?!

Mindful Living Space will be running two Christmas Fun Workshops for kids. Featuring Christmas Carols, Games, Craft and Treat making, your children will have a fun filled few hours leaving you some much needed time to get yourself ready for Christmas!

Suitable for ages 6-12ys.

Spaces are limited to 9 children. Water and Snacks will be provided.

If your child has any allergies please be sure to let us know.

Christmas fun for kids!
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Deep healing Yin Yoga and Shamanic drumming workshop. Make this the best Christmas ever by doing something amazing for yourself!
7:00 PM19:00

Deep healing Yin Yoga and Shamanic drumming workshop. Make this the best Christmas ever by doing something amazing for yourself!

Come on a journey and remember what you came here for!

Do you feel like you are merely existing? Do you have dreams of living a better life?

Come with us on a journey of Self Discovery! Allow Melanie and I to guide you on a journey to the centre of the Universe! We will begin with some blissful Yin to relax Body and Mind and let go of outdated beliefs and conditioning.

Mel will then begin on the drums opening up  a path of communication between the spiritual and earthly realms, opening the inner, spiritual ear and eye, connecting you to the symphony of the universe, it is here in this space of deep awareness that all is available to you!

No longer can you just merely exist, now is the time to take a leap of faith and remember what it is you came here for! As the World changes so rapidly around us it is imperative for our own evolution that we continue to question and rediscover ourselves. You were not created to live in fear feeling anxious and stressed. On the contrary, you were created to be victorious!

If this calls to you, them I am implore to answer, now is all you have so now is the time to act.

Blessings to you.

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Sound Healing n Yin
4:00 PM16:00

Sound Healing n Yin

Feel peace in your body and mind with Steve and Belle from Drums n Alchemy

With Christmas only 2 months away, Sound Healing n Yin is a great way to reduce mind chatter, calm your entire being, ease anxiety, and feel deeply relaxed. This special class combines the beauty and healing power of sound with guided meditation and very gentle yin yoga. Come spend some time focusing on you, with some vibrational medicine for your mind, body and spirit.

Book your space now and join us a relaxing 'sound healing n yin' journey.

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Kids Yoga Classes!
to Nov 27

Kids Yoga Classes!

Kids Yoga Classes!

New to Mindful Living Space, Kids Yoga Classes.

Join Michelle every Wednesday afternoon for a fun hour of Yoga. Our children live in a busy world, there are School pressures, friendship stresses, constant technology and competitive sport which can increase stress and anxiety and this can have a profound effect on their well being. Practising Yoga in a fun and safe way can help counter the stress as they learn how to listen and understand their own bodies and emotions whilst building strength and flexibility.

Course starts October 23. Numbers are limited so be sure to book your space. $105pp.

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