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Yoga is not just an exercise, it is a journey of the self! What you learn on the mat supports you in all areas of your life!

Yoga Strengthens and lengthens the larger exterior muscles, improves balance, coordination, stamina and bone density. It also hydrates the connective tissue, improving mobility and skin elasticity, circulation and heart health! It improves mental clarity and focus, it balances the emotions and ultimately takes you back to the core of things, where nothing is lacking and anything is possible! Yoga is honestly a gift that keeps on giving!


Sunday 7:30am - Restorative Yoga

Monday 7pm - Yin Yoga

Tuesday 10am - Slow Flow

Wednesday 7pm - Strength and deep stretch

Thursday 12pm - Mixed Styles


Check out the timetable for more information. Most classes are 60minutes.


Slow Flow yoga is a wonderful grounding practice but it also energises and shifts us back to being present. This class includes a short pranayama, a series of postures that gently flow into one and another, plus a selection of deep long held stretches with a gorgeous deep relaxation to complete! It encourages the student to find a balance between effort and surrender!

This can be challenging for people who struggle with balance or joint mobility, however the class be be adapted to suit most levels.

dynamic slow flow

See above but stronger. More inversions, balance and strength work.


As the pace of the world continues to increase, it is no wonder that Restorative Yoga and Yin Yoga have grown immensely popular. It is imperative to our wellbeing that we remember to pause, to breathe, to listen, to reflect and to continue to let go of the stories and the limiting self beliefs that are stopping us for receiving all the abundance this life has to offer. This deep nourishing and restful meditative practice gives you the space to do all this and more! Physically, Restorative Yoga helps release muscular tension as we slow right down and open the body through slow passive stretching, with the extra support and use of props that truly complete this incredible practice.


I discovered Yin Yoga about 5 years ago and honestly it changed my life! Yin yoga is now being practiced by extreme athletes and top sportsman/woman, MMA fighters just to name a few because they learned quickly that the body grows stronger in a state of rest and a weekly Yin practice was not only improving their strength, it was also drastically reducing their amount of injuries. Following a slow deep series of passive stretches help from anywhere between 1-5minutes. Yin Yoga balances the physical and energetic bodies whilst strengthening and lengthening the larger muscles, hydrating the inner tissue and give a deep myo-facial release. It works with different meridians and energy channels in the body. Great for all ages of all abilities.

If you can only fit 1 class in each week, make it a Yin class!


A beautiful mix of our Yin Yoga and Restorative styles. 

Dynamic Breath Class

“No matter what you eat, how much you exercise, how skinny or how young you are, none of it matters if you’re not breathing properly"!” Think pranayama meets kundalini meets soma. An amazing breath control class to unlock energy and restore balance to the bodies systems!
